Australia creates space agency, tightens ties with France
Australia creates space agency, tightens ties with France
© UNSW Canberra

publié le 28 septembre 2017 à 13:43

10 mots

Australia creates space agency, tightens ties with France

The Australian government announced at the 68th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Adelaide that it was committed to establishing a national space agency. Also at IAC, Australia and France unveiled plans for closer cooperation in space.

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28/09/2017 13:43
10 mots

Australia creates space agency, tightens ties with France

The Australian government announced at the 68th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Adelaide that it was committed to establishing a national space agency. Also at IAC, Australia and France unveiled plans for closer cooperation in space.

Australia creates space agency, tightens ties with France
Australia creates space agency, tightens ties with France

To read this article, go to Air & Cosmos International.

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