Farnborough 2018: Rolls-Royce reports UltraFan advances
Farnborough 2018: Rolls-Royce reports UltraFan advances
© Rolls-Royce.

publié le 16 juillet 2018 à 15:12

10 mots

Farnborough 2018: Rolls-Royce reports UltraFan advances

Rolls-Royce says that the Advance 3 demonstrator for its future UltraFan engine is now running at full power. Also, the government has confirmed funding for a range of projects in support of the programme.

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16/07/2018 15:12
10 mots

Farnborough 2018: Rolls-Royce reports UltraFan advances

Rolls-Royce says that the Advance 3 demonstrator for its future UltraFan engine is now running at full power. Also, the government has confirmed funding for a range of projects in support of the programme.

Farnborough 2018: Rolls-Royce reports UltraFan advances
Farnborough 2018: Rolls-Royce reports UltraFan advances

To read this article, go to Air & Cosmos International.

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